Public Notifications
Legal Advertisements, Public Notices, & Proclamations
Township Trustees schedule Work Session with East Canton Mayor and Counsel Wednesday November 2,2022 at 5:00pm
Osnaburg Township Trustees, East Canton's Village Mayor and Counsel will have a Work Session on Wednesday November 2 ,2022...
Pekin Street in Osnaburg Township will be closed at the Orchardview Drive intersection for 3 days
stark county engineer notice Stark County Engineers Office released this notice above on Thursday October 6,2022 Pekin...
Residents Join Our Electric Aggregation Program
Osnaburg Township is Now Hiring Part-time Road Department positions apply on line
Osnaburg Township is now hiring Part-time Snowplow drivers, Roadway mowers and general Road Department maintenance...
Wheeling & Lake Erie Railroad plan on installing new railroad crossing on Lotz Avenue Monday October 3 ,2022 reopening on Saturday October 8 ,2022
Wheeling & Lake Erie Railroad are planning on installing a new railroad crossing on Lotz Avenue .The railroad crossing...
Reminder Osnaburg Township Zoning Commission Meeting Monday September 19,2022 at 6:30 pm
Osnaburg Township Zoning Commission will have their normal Zoning Meeting Monday September 19 ,2022 at 6:30pm at the...
Osnaburg Township Zoning Board of Appeals meeting Tuesday September 6 ,2022 at 7:00pm
ZONING BZA PUBLIC NOTICE SEPT 6 2022 ^^^PRESS ENTER ABOVE FOR FULL NOTICE^^^^^ The Board of Zoning Appeals of Osnaburg...
Reminder Osnaburg Township Zoning Commission Meeting Monday August 15 ,2022 at 6:30pm
Osnaburg Township Zoning Commission will have their normal Zoning Meeting Monday August 15,2022 at 6:30pm at the Township...
Broadway Avenue in Osnaburg Township Road detour announced by Stark County Engineers
STARK COUNTY NEWS RELEASE 8-5-2022 ^^^^^PRESS ENTER ABOVE^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Osnaburg Township received the above News Release...
Microsealing of Osnaburg Township Roads and Allotments Starting August 8 ,2022
STRAWSER MICROSEALING ROADS 2022 ^^^^PRESS ENTER ABOVE FOR COMPLETE LIST^^^^^^^^ Strawser Construction will be Micro...
The State of Ohio has laws that regulate how public notices are published. These laws are designed to ensure that citizens within a community receive critical information about the actions of their local government. This website is funded and maintained by Osnaburg Township, located in Stark County, Ohio. is a secured and trusted source for all Legal Advertisements, Public Notices, & Proclamations for Osnaburg Township.