Osnaburg Township Trustees

2025 Board President

Trustee Clifford R. Varian

Clifford R. Varian was elected trustee in Nov 2019. Cliff is a 2001 graduate of East Canton High School, a 2005 graduate of Malone University, 2007 graduate of Malone’s master’s program with a focus on Educational Leadership. Cliff and his wife Megan (Stiffler) Varian have four children. The Varian family lives at and helps operate Varian Orchards, a family-run and owned Apple Orchard in Osnaburg Township. Cliff is currently the director of Kid Watch in Louisville, Ohio. Kid Watch is a church preschool. You can find Cliff as the music worship leader at St. Stephen Martyr Lutheran Church in Canton on Sunday mornings. Cliff is very excited to join the team of Trustees; he feels that he brings a great understanding of Osnaburg Township and the residents. Cliff has good communication skills, and his love for Osnaburg will make him a great Trustee. You may contact him directly by phone at (330) 705-2607 or by clicking on the contact from the menu or the Contact Trustee Button.

Trustee Brenda A. Griffith

Brenda A. Griffith was elected as a new trustee in 2014. She is a 1978 graduate of East Canton High School. She has extended her education to include a Master of Business degree, a Bachelor of Science in Accounting Summa Cum Laude, and an Associate of Applied Business in Accounting-CPA option. She is employed by Stark State College as the Advancement Services and Foundation Finance Administrator and is just finishing an elected term as President of the Stark State Toastmaster organization. Brenda is also CFO of D. Griffith & Sons Inc. alongside her husband and President of the company, which consists of excavations, septic/sewer systems, and an oil production licensed by the State of Ohio. Brenda previously worked as the Elementary Librarian for Osnaburg Schools for ten years before transitioning employment to Stark State College. Brenda and her husband, Denny, currently reside on a farm in Osnaburg Township and are Indian Run Christian Church members. They have four children and 11 grandchildren who are the center of their lives. You may contact Brenda directly by phone at (330) 936-5997 or by clicking on the contact from the menu or the Contact Trustee Button.

Trustee Randall A. Pero

Randall A. Pero is the newest elected trustee (2017). He graduated from East Canton High School in 1996 and West-Side Institute of Technology in l998. He follows in his dad’s footsteps as a trustee (Richard Pero 2002-2017), picking up where he left off. Randy has served on numerous boards, including the Osnaburg Local School Board from 2014-to 2017, where he ended his term as the president. He excelled at being the community liaison for the board and enjoyed seeing the school district’s successes grow both academically and athletically over his term. He has also served as the chairman of the Stark Soil and Water Conservation District Board, where he gained much new knowledge of the importance of preserving the quality of our water and proper drainage. Other board experiences include the Tri-County milk producers board, Smith Dairy Milk Producers Board, and Stark County Farm Bureau. Randy is a 3rd generation dairy farmer. He and his wife, Kristy, own and operate Pero Dairy Farms on Motts Avenue, where they milk 180 Holstein cows. Randy always strives to find the most efficient ways to use the farm, implement the latest technology, and concentrate on what is best for his herd and the environment. Randy and Kristy have six beautiful children together. No matter what aspect his time is devoted to, he always gives total effort and dedication. He will continue to do so as the newest trustee and looks forward to working with the people of Osnaburg. Randy can be reached by phone at (330) 204-3633 or by clicking on the contact from the menu or the Contact Trustee Button.