Township News & Events
We pride ourselves on transparency and keeping the public informed.
Osnaburg Township is Now Hiring Part-time Road Department positions apply on line
Osnaburg Township is now hiring Part-time Snowplow drivers, Roadway mowers and general Road Department maintenance...
Wheeling & Lake Erie Railroad plan on installing new railroad crossing on Lotz Avenue Monday October 3 ,2022 reopening on Saturday October 8 ,2022
Wheeling & Lake Erie Railroad are planning on installing a new railroad crossing on Lotz Avenue .The railroad crossing...
Reminder Osnaburg Township Zoning Commission Meeting Monday September 19,2022 at 6:30 pm
Osnaburg Township Zoning Commission will have their normal Zoning Meeting Monday September 19 ,2022 at 6:30pm at the...
Reminder Osnaburg Township Zoning Commission Meeting Monday August 15 ,2022 at 6:30pm
Osnaburg Township Zoning Commission will have their normal Zoning Meeting Monday August 15,2022 at 6:30pm at the Township...
Broadway Avenue in Osnaburg Township Road detour announced by Stark County Engineers
STARK COUNTY NEWS RELEASE 8-5-2022 ^^^^^PRESS ENTER ABOVE^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Osnaburg Township received the above News Release...
Microsealing of Osnaburg Township Roads and Allotments Starting August 8 ,2022
STRAWSER MICROSEALING ROADS 2022 ^^^^PRESS ENTER ABOVE FOR COMPLETE LIST^^^^^^^^ Strawser Construction will be Micro...
Osnaburg Township 2022 Township roads to be Chip & Sealed starting August 15,2022
2022 ROAD CHIP & SEAL PROGRAM ^^^^^^PRESS ENTER ABOVE FOR COMPLETE LIST^^^^^^^^^ 20/20 Enterprises Inc. has been...
Housing Rehabilitation Programs
2022 Chip & Seal Project
ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Osnaburg Township 2022 Chip & Seal Road Project Sealed bids for the Osnaburg Township...
Reminder Keep Pets Safe in the Heat
The summer months can be uncomfortable—even dangerous—for pets and people. It's difficult enough simply to cope with rising...