Stark County Regional Planning Commission (RPC) offers Housing Rehabilitation programs to qualified low- to moderate-income (LMI) residents
Need help with home repairs? The Stark County Regional Planning Commission has programs that may be able to help.
Full Housing Rehab Program:
- A 50% deferred loan/50% grant program for qualified applicants that helps provide decent, safe and sanitary housing by bringing homes up to Stark County minimum code.
- Emergency Housing Rehab Program – A grant program for qualified applicants to help with an emergency situation that poses a threat to the health and safety of the occupant(s), such as no heat or no water to the home.
- Handicap Accessibility Rehab Program – A grant program to help qualified applicants with permanent physical disabilities make their home handicap accessible.
- Sanitary Sewer Connection/Septic Improvement Program – A deferred loan program for qualified applicants for connection to the Stark County Sanitary Sewer system (where available) or for repair or replacement of septic systems where sanitary sewer does not exist.