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An information session will begin at 6pm, on Tuesday November 29,2022 at the Indian Run Christian Church located at 8368 Church Street SE East Canton, Ohio 44730, Immediately followed by a hearing to accept public comments on the draft permit to drill. The draft permit proposes to allow American Landfill, Inc. to construct a Class 1 non-hazardous waste injection well on the company’s Waynesburg Landfill property. This draft permit to drill would not authorize American Landfill to dispose of wastewater in the well, which would require an additional application for a Class 1 permit to operate from the Ohio EPA
Please see the attached citizen advisory: Public Meeting to Discuss American Landfill Disposal Well Draft Permit. If you have questions or concerns about the content of the citizen advisory, please contact Lisa Cochran at (614) 644-2160 or [email protected].